Traditional Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture

Wellness Clinic

Traditional Chinese Medicine


The ancient and holistic practice of acupuncture started in China around 3000 years ago. Acupuncture typically involves the insertion of very fine, sterile needles into specific points on the body, known as ‘acupuncture points’, using the Chinese ‘meridian’ system. Meridians are believed to be channels that form a network, through which vital-energy or ‘qi’ (pronounced chi) flows. It is believed that one can influence the flow of qi by needling acupuncture points. 

Some known benefits of acupuncture:

  • activates the body’s natural pain relieving processes
  • improves blood circulation
  • aids in the regulation of hormones and release of neurotransmitters 
  • calms the nervous system

The term ‘acupuncture’ not only refers to the insertion of needles, but actually refers to an array of modalities that focus on the stimulation of acupuncture points, including tuina (Chinese massage), cupping, gua sha and moxibustion. You may experience some of these modalities with an acupuncture treatment depending the practitioner and your individual needs.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture during pregnancy & birth preparation

Acupuncture is a safe and non-invasive modality that can be used during all stages of pregnancy. We are passionate about helping women function their best during pregnancy, while also providing a tranquil space for them to feel relaxed and nurtured. 

When required, our practitioners may use a pregnancy cushion to allow expecting mothers to lay face down with ease and comfort to better receive treatments involving the back and pelvis during the second trimester and early stages of the third trimester.

Acupuncture for birth preparation refers to acupuncture treatments in the final stages of pregnancy, using techniques that are traditionally known to help facilitate the natural processes of labour and prepare both mum and bub for birth. Although our practitioners will prescribe a treatment plan based on individual needs, we commonly see clients weekly from 36 weeks, then twice weekly from 39 weeks until birth. 

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Chinese Herbal Medicine & Supplementation

Chinese herbal medicine is a holistic and ancient practice using herbal mixtures to address specific health conditions, promote healing and improve health and wellbeing. Our practitioners may prescribe herbal medicine or supplementation during an acupuncture session depending on your individual needs. 

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Tuina (Chinese Massage)

Tuina is a type of Chinese remedial massage combining deep tissue and fascial manipulation, stretching of the tendons and other tissues, and acupressure to reduce pain and promote healing. Tuina is designed to facilitate the healthy flow of qi and blood by removing stagnation, easing muscle tension and relaxing the nervous system.

Traditional Chinese Medicine


Our practitioners use the traditional ‘fire cupping’ method, which involves placing a flame into a glass up and then quickly placing the cup onto the skin to create a vacuum. This suction then draws old stagnant blood and fluid (that may be held in the tissues due to physical and emotional stress) to the surface, improving blood circulation and easing fluid retention. Similar to acupuncture, cupping is known to ease muscular tension and stimulate the body’s natural pain relieving processes. 

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Gua Sha

Gua sha is a ‘scraping’ therapy that has similar principles and benefits as cupping. By applying pressure and friction to the skin using various tools, gua sha aims to remove stagnation, improve blood circulation and move excess fluid. Similar to acupuncture and cupping, gua sha also stimulates the body’s natural pain relieving processes to help reduce pain and aid in healing.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Moxibustion (moxa)

Moxibustion, commonly referred to as ‘moxa’, is a type of heat therapy which involves burning dried and aged mugwort (moxa) over particular points on the body. The heat from burning moxa is thought to penetrate to the deep tissues layers, helping to improve circulation and ease muscular tension and joint pain. Moxa plays an important role in TCM and is traditionally used in the treatment of a broad range of health conditions.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Moxibustion for breech presentation during pregnancy

In traditional Chinese medicine, moxibustion has been known and widely used with the aim of turning breech (head-up) babies into a more favourable head-down position for birth. Traditionally, clients benefit best from treatment commencing as close to 32-34 weeks as possible. Please speak to one of our practitioners to see if this treatment is appropriate for you. 

Traditional Chinese Medicine

Acupuncture for those with a needle phobia

Our practitioners are well versed in treating those with needle phobias. By encouraging breathing techniques, our practitioners give you agency over the pace of your treatment. If needles just aren’t your thing, there are many other techniques and modalities our practitioners can use instead of needles, such as massage, cupping, gua sha and moxa.